π backlog
Module-Databases π
[TECH ED] Check module success criteria π Clone
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
π The most important thing is that you are secure in your understanding.
At the end of the course, we will expect you to build novel applications using your understanding. If you cannot build things, we cannot put you forward for jobs. It is in your personal interest to make sure you have properly understood this module.
To progress to the next module you need to meet the success criteria for this module. How will you as a cohort meet the module success criteria? Discuss it in your class channel and make a plan together.
π§πΏβπ€ good strategies
- asking volunteers to review your code
- helping each other with coursework blockers
- arranging midweek study sessions
- using Saturday time to review code and cohort tracker
π πΏ bad strategies
- opening empty PRs
- copying and pasting
- breaking the Trainee Agreement
- mistaking the measure for the target
Maximum time in hours
How to get help
Discuss with your cohort. Support each other.
How to submit
In week 4 of your module you will need a representative to report to the organisation. Here’s your template, fill in your details and delete as appropriate:
π Cohort Progress Report from @cohort-name to @programme-team
- criterion
- criterion
- criterion
- criterion
We are progressing to the next module.
β We are taking a consolidation week to meet our targets.
- π― Topic Code Review
- π― Topic Communication
- π― Topic Delivery
- π― Topic Requirements
- π― Topic Teamwork
- π― Topic Testing
- π― Topic Time Management
- π Priority Mandatory
- π¦ Size Tiny
- π Week 1
- π Week 4
[PD] Final Projects - Team canvas π Clone
Coursework content
Come together with your final projects team and go through the team canvas slides. Prepare your own team canvas as the first step of your final projects work.
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
This assignment will support to build a strong foundation for your final project team.
How to submit
Share the link to your team canvas on the ticket on your coursework board.
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size Medium
- π Databases
- Week 4
[PD] Apply to join Final Projects π Clone
Coursework content
Final Projects are coming up! You need to make sure you are prepared to apply. Have you:
- completed the coursework
- reached a level 5 on Codewars
- met your milestones
- discussed your employment goals with your buddies and made a realistic plan to achieve them
- completed your Full Stack Project Assessment
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
This assignment asks you to double-check that you are ready to apply to the Final Projects.
How to submit
Your Programme Manager and Leaders will talk you through the process and invite you to interview shortly.
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size Small
- π Priority Key
- π Databases
- Week 4
[TECH ED] Prepare for Final Projects π Clone
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
If you want to graduate, you’ve got to join a cross functional Agile team building a full stack web application over four weeks.
Here’s the entry and exit criteria
To prepare:
- Read the syllabus! What does it tell you about Final Projects?
- Grab the starter kit and get a version running on render (there are guides on the syllabus to help you, and there’s a wiki on the starter kit with all the common problems.)
- Attend a Merge Conflicts workshop
- Read up on small scoped feature branching
- Take a look at some successful Final Projects; look at their project boards and especially notice velocity – you should be opening a small PR at least once a day during final projects, not one a week.
Maximum time in hours
How to get help
Share your blockers in your class channel.
Talk to CYF grads about their experiences.
Attend a demo day if you have the opportunity.
- :brain: Prep work
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size Medium
- π Databases
- Week 4
[TECH ED] E-Commerce API π Clone
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
Now you understand your database, how will this change how you design your API?
You should write this app in TDD style. This project will help you understand how to do this. The user stories are re-expressed as acceptance criteria, and then the acceptance criteria is re-expressed as tests. Look in the /tests folder to see the example.
When you go to Final Projects, you will save yourself a lot of time by writing your API in this way. You will also find it much easier to share the work, as each acceptance criteria could be met by a different team member, using the feature branch workflow.
Quality check!
In this project, you must write the test first.
It’s better to turn in a smaller set of user stories than to turn in untested features.
If you’re running out of time, scope down your application rather than commit untested code. Cut your scope, not your quality. Include a list of the stories you did, and didn’t, get to in your PR message.
Maximum time in hours
How to get help
Share your blockers in your class channel. Use the opportunity to refine your skill in Asking Questions like a developer.
If you’re struggling with the feature branch workflow, you won’t be alone. There are workshops available – do one together in class.
How to submit
- Fork to your Github account.
- Make a new branch named E-Commerce-API
- For each user story, make a feature branch like this feature/1-list-all-products
- Complete your user story, make sure the test is passing, then merge into your E-Commerce-API branch
- When you are ready, open a PR to the CYF repo, following the instructions in the PR template.
gitGraph commit id: "e-commerce-api" branch e-commerce-api branch feature/1-list-all-products commit id: "assert api should return list" commit id: "make api return list" checkout e-commerce-api merge feature/1-list-all-products branch feature/2-filter-product-list commit id: "assert api should filter list" commit id: "make api filter list" commit id: "check query works" checkout e-commerce-api merge feature/2-filter-product-list
How to review
For someone else to check out your code, they will need your .env file. Use https://onetimesecret.com/ to share this.
Anything else?
- π― Topic Iteration
- π― Topic Testing
- π― Topic Time Management
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size X-Large
- π Priority Key
- π Databases
- Week 4
[TECH ED] Codewars π Clone
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
Every week you need to complete at least three kata. Spend at least 20 minutes, three times a week, on your kata workout.
Maximum time in hours
How to get help
Collaborate with your peers in the #cyf-codewars channel.
How to submit
Your Codewars progress is tracked automatically.
- π― Topic Problem-Solving
- π― Topic Programming Fundamentals
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size Small
- π Databases
- Week 4