π backlog
Module-React π
[TECH ED] Follow the React Learn Course π Clone
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
The React documentation is brilliant. It’s actually weirdly similar to our original course, especially https://react.dev/learn/thinking-in-react so we now link to it heavily instead of maintaining our own version.
We highly recommend you follow the whole thing, but we will point to vital pieces throughout the prep material.
- :brain: Prep work
- π― Topic Functional Programming
- π― Topic Requirements
- ποΈ Priority Stretch
- π Size Medium
- π React
- π Week 1
[TECH ED] High Scores Table π Clone
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
Here is a starter React project built in the same way as your React Hotel project. It’s a simpler version of the same setup.
Practice your React skills by developing this project, and get the chance to work through some things yourself that you can bring to your Hotel team.
Maximum time in hours
How to get help
This challenge is from https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/cyf-react-challenges and you may find extra help on that repo.
How to submit
Open a PR from the branch on your fork to main on this repo
- π― Topic Problem-Solving
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size Medium
- π React
- π Week 1
[PD] Share at least 2 job openings with the CYF community π Clone
Coursework content
At CodeYourFuture, we believe in collective intelligence, including collective job hunting. We will talk more about it in the coming months, but to start, let’s practice finding job openings and sharing them with the community.
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
Find and share at least 2 job openings that are:
- suitable for CYF grads
- are not recruitment agencies but from companies directly
Use common platforms such as LinkedIn or Otta.
Filtering tips:
- Search for conventional titles (i.e. frontend is different from front end or front-end)
- Job opportunities in which you have 3rd or 2nd connections with the person posting it
- Applications that have 10 or fewer applications
- Location: close to your cohort or remote opportunities
How to submit
- Add the jobs you found to the form of your region
- Share the links of the jobs as a comment on this issue
Anything else?
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size Small
- π Priority Key
- π React
- π Week 1
[PD] Professional and Career Objectives π Clone
Coursework content
Think about where you would like your career to be in five years.
- Write your ideal job title and a list of activities you will be doing.
- List milestones and objectives you hope to achieve in your career.
- Identify several parts of that plan that will be challenging or that you need more time to be ready to do.
- List actions you can take to move towards the target.
- List steps you can take to be resilient and face the challenges.
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
Develop a five-year career plan.
How to submit
- Create a Google Document with your answers to the questions above.
- Review your Grammar on the document using a tool such as Grammarly.
- Link the document in this project issue. Ensure the document is open for comments so that someone can review it.
Anything else?
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size Medium
- π React
- π Week 1
[TECH ED] Check module success criteria π Clone
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
π The most important thing is that you are secure in your understanding.
At the end of the course, we will expect you to build novel applications using your understanding. If you cannot build things, we cannot put you forward for jobs. It is in your personal interest to make sure you have properly understood this module.
To progress to the next module you need to meet the success criteria for this module. How will you as a cohort meet the module success criteria? Discuss it in your class channel and make a plan together.
π§πΏβπ€ good strategies
- asking volunteers to review your code
- helping each other with coursework blockers
- arranging midweek study sessions
- using Saturday time to review code and cohort tracker
π πΏ bad strategies
- opening empty PRs
- copying and pasting
- breaking the Trainee Agreement
- mistaking the measure for the target
Maximum time in hours
How to get help
Discuss with your cohort. Support each other.
How to submit
In week 4 of your module you will need a representative to report to the organisation. Here’s your template, fill in your details and delete as appropriate:
π Cohort Progress Report from @cohort-name to @programme-team
- criterion
- criterion
- criterion
- criterion
We are progressing to the next module.
β We are taking a consolidation week to meet our targets.
- π― Topic Code Review
- π― Topic Communication
- π― Topic Delivery
- π― Topic Requirements
- π― Topic Teamwork
- π― Topic Testing
- π― Topic Time Management
- π Priority Mandatory
- π¦ Size Tiny
- π Week 1
- π Week 4
[PD] How Self-Confident Are You? π Clone
Coursework content
Read the How Self-Confident Are You?](https://www.mindtools.com/ahqz3nl/how-self-confident-are-you?authuser=0) article and do the quiz that is part of it. After you do, write a 250-word reflection on the results you got - was it what you expected, did something surprise you, have you learned anything from it?
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
This assignment will help you identify areas for development regarding your self-confidence. Additional material aims to support your journey in improving your self-confidence day by day.
How to submit
Share the link to your coursework on ticket on your board.
Anything else?
Additional material:
- https://www.mindtools.com/air49f4/using-affirmations?authuser=0
- https://www.mindtools.com/au3crwx/positive-thinking-thought-awareness-and-rational-thinking?authuser=0
- https://www.mindtools.com/a5ykiuq/personal-goal-setting?authuser=0
- https://www.mindtools.com/ag3ueu7/stress-diaries?authuser=0
- https://www.mindtools.com/ap5omwt/how-to-build-self-confidence?authuser=0
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNikR2GQwVg&authuser=0
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjDfnUaFKCE&authuser=0
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size Small
- π React
- Week 1
[TECH ED] React challenges π Clone
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
The way to get better at React is to practice by building small projects. πͺ
To help you with project ideas, we have provided several challenges. You can see a full list of the challenges here. Some you can complete now, but some require knowledge of later weeks - look out for the “Prerequisites” section in the instructions.
We recommend that you attempt the following challenge:
High Score Table - Level 1: https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/cyf-react-challenges/tree/master/challenge-high-score-tables
Stretch Goals: Some other suitable projects for you to work on right now are:
Baby Names Picker - Level 1: https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/cyf-react-challenges/tree/master/challenge-baby-name-picker
Countries - Level 1: https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/cyf-react-challenges/tree/master/challenge-countries
Job Listing - Level 1: https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/cyf-react-challenges/tree/master/challenge-job-listing
You should complete these challenges in the order they are in above.
Maximum time in hours
How to submit
Follow submission instructions on the repos.
- π Priority Mandatory
- ποΈ Priority Stretch
- π Size Medium
- π React
- π Week 1
[TECH ED] Review solutions for TV show project π Clone
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
At the end of this week, be sure to review the solutions for last week’s coursework. You should return to the TV Show project again at the end of React.
Maximum time in hours
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size Medium
- π React
- π Week 1
[TECH ED] CYF Hotel π Clone
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
This project will require you to think about how components are organised and composed when building the UI, how to organise your work into small scoped feature branches, how to write unit tests, and how to share work as a team.
Maximum time in hours
How to submit
All the instructions for this project are in the repo!
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size Medium
- π Priority Key
- π Week 1
[TECH ED] Prepare for live session π Clone
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
It is essential to start learning new concepts and ideas before Saturday’s session. During the week, we expect you to get stuck and form questions about the new content so you can address misconceptions during Saturday’s session. The prep work here will introduce you to the new concepts for the week. It will help you do the rest of your coursework.
Skipping the prep is like blindfolding yourself. Prioritise working through the prep.
Maximum time in hours (Tech has max 16 per week total)
How to get help
Share your blockers in your class channel
- :brain: Prep work
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size Medium
- π React
- π Week 1
[TECH ED] Codewars π Clone
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
Every week you need to complete at least three kata. Spend at least 20 minutes, three times a week, on your kata workout.
Find the Collection for this week on the CodeYourFuture account.
Take some time to check your levels. Before you are accepted on to a Final Project on the developer track, you need to complete the Final Projects collection and reach a Level 5 kyu in Codewars. Are you on track to reach this standard? Have you run a study group to work on kata? Have you reached out on the #cyf-codewars channel? What is your plan to meet this goal?
Maximum time in hours (Tech has max 16 per week total)
How to get help
- Join the #cyf-codewars Slack channel
- Read the CYF Codewars docs
- Read Codewars advice from CYFers
- Read Codewars advice from mentors
Remember, after 20 minutes, take a break.
How to submit
Your codewars progress is tracked automatically and is available on the public API. You don’t need to submit it.
How to review
Once you have completed your kata, look at the other solutions in the solutions view. Consider how many different approaches there are.
- π― Topic Code Review
- π― Topic Problem-Solving
- π― Topic Programming Fundamentals
- π― Topic Requirements
- π― Topic Time Management
- π Priority Mandatory
- π React
- π Week 1