πŸ§‘πŸΎβ€πŸ’» prep

Prep Resilience πŸ”—

Learning Objectives


Learn background information about techniques to help yourself deal with adversity.

10 Ways to Build and Develop Resilience

🎯 Goal: Learn some practical techniques (10 minutes)

Watch the video 10 Ways to Build and Develop Resilience.

Protective Factors

🎯 Goal: Learn some practical techniques (20 minutes)

The Secret to Building Resilience

🎯 Goal: Learn an interesting perspective about your network of friends. (30 minutes)

Doing the right thing badly

🎯 Goal: Learn about doing the right thing badly instead of doing the wrong thing well. (20 minutes)

Read Failure, vulnerability, and the true nature of change. Reflect on whether you spend time in the β€œnew thing badly” space.